A meme seen on Facebook by a number of friends, Keith R.A. DeCandido among them: Will somebody play, please! I want to see your answers and I’m tired of seeing political posts, bad news, or anything about gas prices!!! You’re next. Let’s lighten up! Favorite pie: Key Lime Pie Steak or Seafood: Steak Coke orContinue reading “The Lighter Side of Life”
Tag Archives: facebook
Genealogy in Old Photographs
Facebook reminded me yesterday morning that I went to Washington, DC six years ago — July 4, 2014 — for a Washington Nationals game and A Capitol Fourth. That trip provided me with one of my most-trafficked blog posts of the past decade on why I didn’t stand for “God Bless America” at the NationalsContinue reading “Genealogy in Old Photographs”
Wrapping Up the Catalog Copy
I don’t know about anyone else, but my sleep patterns have turned to utter chaos these last three weeks. One night I might have bifurcated sleep (sleep, significant break, sleep), the next restless near-insomnia, and the next ten solid hours of sleeping like the dead. That, at least, has been my pattern over these lastContinue reading “Wrapping Up the Catalog Copy”
Disliking Facebook’s New Likes
Today, Facebook redesigned the Like button, replacing it with six different emoji: I don’t like things on Facebook. At least, not intentionally. It’s possible, on my phone, that I’ve clicked “Like” on something in the last eighteen months or so. Why don’t I “like” things people post? Because, like a friend put it, “the likeContinue reading “Disliking Facebook’s New Likes”
Syrian Refugees, Meme Wars, and Ethical Imperatives
I tried to steer clear of the Meme Wars over Syrian refugees on Facebook last week. I saw things on both sides that irritated me; from friends on the right I saw things that were occasionally racist, and from friends on the left I saw things that mocked both religion and culture. I learned aContinue reading “Syrian Refugees, Meme Wars, and Ethical Imperatives”
On the 30 Day Song Challenge
At work, some of my colleagues have done this, the Facebook 30 Day Song Challenge. Basically, it’s a list of 30 topics, one per day, and a person taking the challenge is supposed to post a song that answers the day’s question. One coworker suggested that I should do it, so I grabbed the listContinue reading “On the 30 Day Song Challenge”
On Improbable Memories
Because this needs to be preserved forever… Jay Smith posted on a Facebook status feed last night. “[Jay Smith] wants you to comment on this status about how you met me. But I want you to lie. That’s right. Just make stuff up. After you comment, copy to your status so I can do theContinue reading “On Improbable Memories”
On Cat Pictures and Facebook Profiles
I don’t know who said it first, but I think it’s true — the Internet was made for cat photos. 🙂 Last week, Facebook upgraded my profile to the new profile page design. I’d heard wailing and gnashing of teeth from friends who upgraded their profile pages immediately after they were announced; I was contentContinue reading “On Cat Pictures and Facebook Profiles”
On Fixing Facebook’s News Feed Font
Tuesday morning, as I was settling down to my first cup of coffee for the day, I logged into Facebook and noticed something. No, not the big banner at the top of my news feed telling me that it was Election Day and which of my friends had already voted, though that was a usefulContinue reading “On Fixing Facebook’s News Feed Font”
On Facebook Follies
Facebook likes to make suggestions. It likes to show you things that it things you might be interested in. I wonder how it knows what I might be interested in. Because, truly, it seems to show me only things I don’t want to see. 😉 It’s the friending suggestions that I sometimes find unnerving. ItContinue reading “On Facebook Follies”