On Ending the Party

It surprises people who know my political leanings that I have a necktie that proudly celebrates the history of the Republican Party. The print is a collection of campaign buttons, stretching from the 1880s through “I Like Ike.” I wear the tie often, perhaps twice a month. I like to wear it. The surprise comesContinue reading “On Ending the Party”

On a Customer's Concern

A few days ago a customer came into the store and, browsing through the XBox section, he had an urgent question. “They made a game out of the da Vinci Code?” he asked. “Companies will make games out of anything these days.” He took the game from the shelf, scrutinized it closely, and frowned. “Aren’tContinue reading “On a Customer's Concern”

On the President's Early Morning Speech

I awoke this morning, fixed a cup of coffee, sat down at the computer, and turned on NPR’s “Morning Edition,” only to discover that President Bush would shortly be giving a speech on the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a high-ranking al-Qaeda leader in Iraq. Listening to the speech, without the President’s image, to distractContinue reading “On the President's Early Morning Speech”

More on the Bayeux Tapestry

I wrote, about six weeks ago, about the Bayeux Tapestry, specifically about a necktie I bought that reproduces some of the Tapestry’s images from the story of William the Conqueror’s conquest of England and his defeat of King Harold II in 1066. I picked up recently a history of the Tapestry and the Conquest, AndrewContinue reading “More on the Bayeux Tapestry”

On a Positive Google Result

For years I've typed into Internet search engines the names of people I knew long ago–high school friends and sweethearts, college girlfriends, the like. Some people just can't be found. Not everyone's wired. Not everyone does something to be listed somewhere, somehow on the Internet. Today I found someone. Junior year she sat next toContinue reading “On a Positive Google Result”