On Customers and Kindness

I was, last night, sitting on a bench at the local mall. Christmas music played on the PA system. There were decorations strung here and there. It didn’t feel Christmassy. The reason was simple. This mall was deserted. No customers. It’s hard to feel the Christmas spirit without the throngs of customers, the blaring ofContinue reading “On Customers and Kindness”

On Wrapping Christmas Presents

It’s only December 7th. I’ve already wrapped most of the Christmas presents I’m giving. Indeed, ones I need to ship? Already in the shipping boxes. I have some new and interesting wrapping paper this year. Nothing that doesn’t fit my personality. 🙂 I’m absolutely terrible at trying to cut paper off in a straight line.Continue reading “On Wrapping Christmas Presents”

On Random Songs On The Mind

On the train this morning, apropos of nothing, a song affixed itself in my head. Magic and mystery     Are part of their history, Along with the secret     Of gummi berry juice. The magic is growing,     They take pride in knowing They fight for what’s right     In whatever they do! Gummi Bears! Bouncing here and thereContinue reading “On Random Songs On The Mind”

On Test Driving New Features

For shits and giggles, I downloaded the WordPress 2.7 Release Candidate. I was curious, first, what it would look like “under the hood.” I knew they were putting together a new user interface, and I wondered what that looked like. I knew they were planning some new features, and I was curious about those, too.Continue reading “On Test Driving New Features”