On Request Audience Questions

Some questions have come up recently through Google. Here’s three: is Allyn a man’s name? The last time I checked, it was. 🙂 “Allyn” has taken on some gender ambiguity and, yes, there are people who are sometimes surprised to find that I’m male when they meet me for the first time. It is becomingContinue reading “On Request Audience Questions”

On EB Games and Robberies

I sometimes read Kotaku, a video game news blog. I know, it’s surprising — I can’t tell you the last time I turned on my XBox, yet I still stay somewhat informed of goings-on in the game industry. This headline shocked me. GameStop Manager Killed During Robbery. The facts are these. An armed robber enteredContinue reading “On EB Games and Robberies”

On a Rare and Unexpected Find

I was going through a box of office supplies just a little bit ago, and I came across something… unique. A StarCraft: Ghost mousepad. I can’t imagine that Blizzard made a ton of these, seeing as the game was in near-perpetual development hell before finally being killed a year and a half ago. I haveContinue reading “On a Rare and Unexpected Find”

On an Odd Harry Potter Musing

Friday afternoon, for reasons that still mystify me somewhat, I began musing on Harry Potter. But not in the way that people usually muse on Harry Potter. Who ends up with whom, how the seventh book will end, that sort of thing–not my interest, sorry. Rather, I thought back a few years to the releaseContinue reading “On an Odd Harry Potter Musing”

On Going to the Mall

I went to Owings Mills Mall today. It’s about five minutes from my grandmother’s house. When I was younger — say, twenty years ago — the backroads to the mall were through fields and cropland. Today, it’s endless townhouses and developments. I think I prefer the olden days. The world seemed so much bigger then.Continue reading “On Going to the Mall”