On Jefferson's Qur'an

In November’s mid-term election Minnesota elected the first Muslim, Keith Ellison, to the House of Representatives in American history. Tomorrow Ellison, along with the rest of Congress, will be sworn in. There are generally two swearing-in ceremonies–the first is simply an affirmation of the oath of office, the second is often a photo-op for theContinue reading “On Jefferson's Qur'an”

On Incompetent Blundering

Henry the Navigator is an incompetent fool and a worthless ally. Our battleground today was someplace vaguely New England-like. It’s hard to say precisely, as it was a random map–Gandalf’s Random Land Map, to be precise. The landscape’s features, though, said New England, even if the native allies–the Lakota and the Iroquois–and the native fauna–herdsContinue reading “On Incompetent Blundering”