On "Hey Jude" and Love

In November Capitol Records released Love, the soundtrack album for the Cirque de Soleil show in Las Vegas that uses remixed Beatles songs as its soundscape. It’s a fascinating album to listen to, presenting new ways of listening to old favorites. Some songs are heavily reworked, with backing vocals, instrumental parts, and the like takenContinue reading “On "Hey Jude" and Love”

On Christmas Viewing

Last night, wrapping presents, I watched that classic film — Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. For those unfamiliar with the film, it’s the story of Kimar, leader of the Martians, and his plan to kidnap Santa Claus and bring him to Mars in order to make the Martian children happy, but along the way twoContinue reading “On Christmas Viewing”

On Grandmothers and Eight Year-Olds

We’ll start with an eight year-old. I’ve never recommended a YouTube video. More than likely I never will again. But if you hate Bill O’Reilly, watch this eight year-old spout sense that would do Keith Olbermann proud. I’ll put it like this. My jaw hit the desk a few times. You go, girl! Now, myContinue reading “On Grandmothers and Eight Year-Olds”