On Five Movies Everyone Should See

Five movies that everyone should, in my opinion, watch at least once. Y’know, I’ve never given this a moment’s thought. So here goes. 1. A Hard Day’s Night. It’s the first Beatles movie. It’s the black & white Beatles movie. It’s a riot. I love it. I’m too young to know what Beatlemania was, andContinue reading “On Five Movies Everyone Should See”

On an Upcoming John Lennon Biopic

A friend of mine, Michael Schuster, pointed me to this, the trailer for Nowhere Boy, an upcoming biopic about the teenage years of John Lennon: Aaron Johnson, whom I’ve never heard of, plays the young Lennon, and Thomas Sangster plays Paul McCartney. While Sangster doesn’t look especially much like McCartney, Johnson, particularly when he putsContinue reading “On an Upcoming John Lennon Biopic”

On Recent Webcomic Discoveries

Two recent webcomic discoveries. 🙂 First, The Chess Comic. Have you ever wanted to play chess but don’t know how? Have you ever played chess — and been abysmmally bad? Fortunately, there’s a webcomic to help you! The Chess Comic just started back in January, and it’s a series of chess lessons. Start here, andContinue reading “On Recent Webcomic Discoveries”

On Unmade Science-Fiction Films

It’s odd. I’ve just read a book that I generally enjoyed, but it was a book that annoyed me to no end. The book? David Hughes’ The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made. Getting a movie from pitch and script to screen is a bit like running a gauntlet, and the book chronicles some twenty-odd science-fictionContinue reading “On Unmade Science-Fiction Films”

On the Watchmen Trailer

Sweet zombie Jesus. The Watchmen trailer. Holy shit. They fucking filmed Watchmen! ETA: The Smashing Pumpkins kicks the trailer up a notch, because “The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” was the one of the two songs the band wrote for Batman & Robin. Like the “Ozy-nipples” (Ozymandias’ costume shows nipples, as the BatsuitContinue reading “On the Watchmen Trailer”