Gritty Leading the People

It was a week of publishing deadlines, and thirty hours after my last files went to the printer I’m still mentally exhausted. I did go to Books a Million again today to see what other gems I could find in their CD sale. (CDs, new and used, are 90% off as they are getting outContinue reading “Gritty Leading the People”

On Recent Webcomic Discoveries

Two recent webcomic discoveries. 🙂 First, The Chess Comic. Have you ever wanted to play chess but don’t know how? Have you ever played chess — and been abysmmally bad? Fortunately, there’s a webcomic to help you! The Chess Comic just started back in January, and it’s a series of chess lessons. Start here, andContinue reading “On Recent Webcomic Discoveries”

On Bobby Fischer

Bobby Fischer, the American chess prodigy and grandmaster, has died in Reykjavik, Iceland. He was sixty-four. Fischer is perhaps better known today for his… eccentricities. That’s probably the most polite word I can think of. That old Buffalo Springfield lyric comes quickly to mind — “Paranoia strikes deep / Into your life it will creep.”Continue reading “On Bobby Fischer”