Gritty Leading the People

It was a week of publishing deadlines, and thirty hours after my last files went to the printer I’m still mentally exhausted. I did go to Books a Million again today to see what other gems I could find in their CD sale. (CDs, new and used, are 90% off as they are getting outContinue reading “Gritty Leading the People”

On Contemplating Philcon

Yesterday evening I received a surprising e-mail — it was a pre-invite to Philcon. Well, it was surprising to me; things like this are always surprising to me. Philcon is, obviously, a science-fiction convention held every November in Philadelphia. I knew of it it when I lived outside Philly about a decade ago, but workingContinue reading “On Contemplating Philcon”

On the 2008 World Series

The World Series begins tonight. I don’t have a horse in this race. I’m not sure who to root for. There’s the Rays, who have been perpetual cellar dwellers until this year. Then there’s the Phillies, cursed by the William Penn statue and the losingest team in baseball history. I don’t really want either teamContinue reading “On the 2008 World Series”

On Boy Scouts and Bigotry

It’s hard to feel bad for the Boy Scouts. They’ve brought their troubles upon themselves. They discriminate against atheists — I myself would not be welcome in their company. They discriminate against homosexuals. The Supreme Court said, “Boy Scouts, you can discriminate! You’re a private organization!” a few years ago. Congress reaffirmed that with aContinue reading “On Boy Scouts and Bigotry”