I’m now about halfway through On Earth as It Is in Hell, Brian Hodge’s new novel based on Mike Mignola’s comic book character Hellboy, the World’s Greatest Paranormal Detective. No giant gorillas with huge freakin’ metal bolts sticking out of their necks. Dagnabbit! Despite that failing, however, it is a mildly diverting read. Seraphim attackContinue reading “On the Hellboy Novel”
Tag Archives: Reading
On Trying New Things
I’m a stout drinker, and rather than pick up my usual six pack of Guinness bottles I decided to try something different–the Beamish Irish Stout. It’s nice, slightly more bitter than the Guinness Draught, and it carries more of a kick. Also, I disassembled the cans to see what the nitrogen widgets look like. NotContinue reading “On Trying New Things”
On Reading and Coughing
A few days ago I received a book in the mail. It’s one I’ve looked forward to reading, and yet! I’ve been able to muster little progress, stalling out at near page fifty twice now. It’s probably not the book, though. I’ve lacked for energy the past few days. Since I received the book, actually.Continue reading “On Reading and Coughing”
On another Book Meme
Seen on Keith’s LiveJournal: You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?Sadly, yes. What are you currently reading?Star Trek: Captain’s Blood, by William Shatner and Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens The last book you boughtContinue reading “On another Book Meme”
On More Books in the Mail
Two packages arrived in the mail yesterday. The first had Michael Moorcock’s Gloriana, a fantasy novel about Elizabeth I’s reign. I’d seen the book, recently issued in a new edition, in Barnes & Noble a time or three but hadn’t, for whatever reason, picked up a copy. So when the Science Fiction Book Club offeredContinue reading “On More Books in the Mail”
On a Frustrating Reading Experience
Yesterday I picked up a few books at Barnes & Noble. One was a reference book, another was a history book on the development of the prize courts during the Age of Fighting Sail, another was the first of the Star Trek: Titan novels, and a medieval mystery novel a friend had recommended to me.Continue reading “On a Frustrating Reading Experience”
On a Book Meme
I received this on an e-mail list this morning– Here are the rules: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 123. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog (or to this mailing list) along with these instructions. Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” orContinue reading “On a Book Meme”
On Absolution by Murder
I spent yesterday afternoon someplace I’ve not been since college–the laundromat. The dryer at home decided about a week ago that it didn’t want to work anymore, but the laundry still needs to get done, and so a laundromat it was. Anyone who has spent time doing their laundry at a laundromat knows that youContinue reading “On Absolution by Murder”
The Social Calendar
My quest for a life outside work continues. The other night at Barnes & Noble I picked up one of their activity flyers as per my wont, but this may have been the first time I’ve really looked at what they had on the schedule. At the end of February–last Monday of the month, toContinue reading “The Social Calendar”
Reading Thoughts
I stopped by Barnes & Noble tonight and bought two books. One, The Penultimate Truth, a Philip K. Dick novel. The other, The Polysyllabic Spree, Nick Hornby’s new book about, well, buying and reading books. Hornby writes on page 14, “I don’t want anyone writing in to point out that I spend too much moneyContinue reading “Reading Thoughts”