On the Ongoing Projects

Some updates on two ongoing projects. 1. The Website Redesign. Over the past forty-eight hours, I’ve been thinking about formatting the site for mobile browsers and how to achieve what I want. Yes, there are WordPress plug-ins to do this. But I like the idea of making something of my own. Conceptually, I understand whatContinue reading “On the Ongoing Projects”

More WordPress Theme Coding

When last I mentioned my WordPress coding project, I felt, at the time, that I was 70 percent of the way to where I want it to be. Right now, I’d say I’m at ninety percent. That twenty percent between a week ago and now was time-consuming, though, because I’ve reached the ancillary files. TheContinue reading “More WordPress Theme Coding”

On Writing More WordPress Code

Two months ago, I wrote how I was planning a blog redesign. It’s not something I’ve worked on with any great alacrity; I don’t need it for another eight months. Basically, a nearly decade-old blog has outgrown its host, and I need to move it to another host, but my current hosting plan isn’t upContinue reading “On Writing More WordPress Code”

On Blog Redesign Ponderings

Over the past week and a half I’ve been working on coding a new WordPress theme. I mentioned, within the past month, that I’ve felt an “itch to code.” I last changed my blog’s theme the first week of August, 2010; I haven’t typically run with a consistent “look” for that length of time. That’sContinue reading “On Blog Redesign Ponderings”

On Allyn’s Adventures With Unicorns

It all began last year, on April Fool’s Day. As a longtime WordPress user, I frequently visit Planet WordPress, an aggregation blog of a number of top WordPress-specific blogs. And on April Fool’s Day, there was a post from the Gravatar blog on a new gravatar algorithm — Unicorns. A gravatar, for those unfamiliar withContinue reading “On Allyn’s Adventures With Unicorns”

On Today’s WordPress Annoyance

As much as I love WordPress, it can be a serious pain in the ass sometimes. Like today. Today was a pain-in-the-ass WordPress day. I’m a stat nerd, and today was not a good day for a stat nerd. I couldn’t access my site stats provided by a plugin. Every time I tried, WordPress toldContinue reading “On Today’s WordPress Annoyance”

On Saturday WordPress Tinkering

It’s a Saturday. I had to faff around with my WordPress install. 🙂 1) WordPress 3.1 adds, for me, an admin bar that shows up when I look at the live website. I don’t mind it when I’m on a desktop machine; it actually adds a couple of useful tools, like the wp.me shortlinks. ButContinue reading “On Saturday WordPress Tinkering”

On WordPress Upgrades and Errors

As much as I love and use WordPress, it can occasionally be a major pain in the ass. Like whenever upgrade time rolls around. There’s a certain amount of crossing fingers and praying when I upload a new batch of files to the server. Is the theme going to break? Is a plugin going toContinue reading “On WordPress Upgrades and Errors”

On Turning WordPress Posts Into Pages

I’ve been using WordPress for over six years. When I began using WordPress, with version 1.2, it was a blogging platform and nothing more. With version 1.5 WordPress added a new wrinkle; it could still be used for blogging and creating blog posts, but it could also be used as a CMS-lite, with static pagesContinue reading “On Turning WordPress Posts Into Pages”