Some updates on two ongoing projects. 1. The Website Redesign. Over the past forty-eight hours, I’ve been thinking about formatting the site for mobile browsers and how to achieve what I want. Yes, there are WordPress plug-ins to do this. But I like the idea of making something of my own. Conceptually, I understand whatContinue reading “On the Ongoing Projects”
Tag Archives: WordPress
More WordPress Theme Coding
When last I mentioned my WordPress coding project, I felt, at the time, that I was 70 percent of the way to where I want it to be. Right now, I’d say I’m at ninety percent. That twenty percent between a week ago and now was time-consuming, though, because I’ve reached the ancillary files. TheContinue reading “More WordPress Theme Coding”
On Writing More WordPress Code
Two months ago, I wrote how I was planning a blog redesign. It’s not something I’ve worked on with any great alacrity; I don’t need it for another eight months. Basically, a nearly decade-old blog has outgrown its host, and I need to move it to another host, but my current hosting plan isn’t upContinue reading “On Writing More WordPress Code”
On Blog Redesign Ponderings
Over the past week and a half I’ve been working on coding a new WordPress theme. I mentioned, within the past month, that I’ve felt an “itch to code.” I last changed my blog’s theme the first week of August, 2010; I haven’t typically run with a consistent “look” for that length of time. That’sContinue reading “On Blog Redesign Ponderings”
On the Itch to Code
For the past month, I’ve been working with someone as the coder on a website he needed built that uses WordPress as its back-end. It’s been a fun little project, as it let me get my hands grubby with code and I got to try out some new WordPress coding techniques that I’ve never learned.Continue reading “On the Itch to Code”
On Allyn’s Adventures With Unicorns
It all began last year, on April Fool’s Day. As a longtime WordPress user, I frequently visit Planet WordPress, an aggregation blog of a number of top WordPress-specific blogs. And on April Fool’s Day, there was a post from the Gravatar blog on a new gravatar algorithm — Unicorns. A gravatar, for those unfamiliar withContinue reading “On Allyn’s Adventures With Unicorns”
On Today’s WordPress Annoyance
As much as I love WordPress, it can be a serious pain in the ass sometimes. Like today. Today was a pain-in-the-ass WordPress day. I’m a stat nerd, and today was not a good day for a stat nerd. I couldn’t access my site stats provided by a plugin. Every time I tried, WordPress toldContinue reading “On Today’s WordPress Annoyance”
On Saturday WordPress Tinkering
It’s a Saturday. I had to faff around with my WordPress install. 🙂 1) WordPress 3.1 adds, for me, an admin bar that shows up when I look at the live website. I don’t mind it when I’m on a desktop machine; it actually adds a couple of useful tools, like the shortlinks. ButContinue reading “On Saturday WordPress Tinkering”
On WordPress Upgrades and Errors
As much as I love and use WordPress, it can occasionally be a major pain in the ass. Like whenever upgrade time rolls around. There’s a certain amount of crossing fingers and praying when I upload a new batch of files to the server. Is the theme going to break? Is a plugin going toContinue reading “On WordPress Upgrades and Errors”
On Turning WordPress Posts Into Pages
I’ve been using WordPress for over six years. When I began using WordPress, with version 1.2, it was a blogging platform and nothing more. With version 1.5 WordPress added a new wrinkle; it could still be used for blogging and creating blog posts, but it could also be used as a CMS-lite, with static pagesContinue reading “On Turning WordPress Posts Into Pages”