I began writing this as a comment to a blog post by David McIntee about a program on BBC3, Kellie: The Girl Who Played With Fire, but I decided to post it here on my blog, instead. One of my enduring memories of childhood centers on a burn victim. When I was about six orContinue reading “On an Enduring Childhood Memory”
Tag Archives: childhood
On What I Miss About Childhood
At times, I miss the smell… Of cow manure. In my childhood years, I lived in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. My elementary school, Linville-Edom, stood on a barely paved road in the midst of the valley's rolling farm country. Across the street was a farm. To either side of the school? Farms. And what was notableContinue reading “On What I Miss About Childhood”
On My Little Pony and Holly Hobbie
Occasionally, I have to write about things at work that, given what I normally write about at work, don’t seem to, well, fit. Take today for instance. I’ve written about My Little Pony. I remember the first time, nearly two years ago, that I had to write about My Little Pony, and my initial reactionContinue reading “On My Little Pony and Holly Hobbie”