On Revisiting The Third Age

My recent musings on EA’s video game Lord of the Rings: The White Council and its possible cancellation put me in a Tolkien gaming mood. I wanted to play a Lord of the Rings video game, I wanted to mercilessly kill Orc after Orc, but which game to play? I settled on The Third Age,Continue reading “On Revisiting The Third Age”

Well, I'm back.

I finished Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, the XBox (and PS2, and Game Cube) role-playing game from EA, this evening. I’m depressed, and not because the game is over. I’m depressed, because the game didn’t redeem itself in the end. Role-playing games need a story. Role-playing games need characters. The Third Age hadContinue reading “Well, I'm back.”

A Thought for the Day

Gandalf’s judgment on Denethor as given in Lord of the Rings: The Third Age: Thus is the havoc when a steward breaks his solemn bond with his people. Gondor shunned counsel, chose to dominate its subjects. While its sons were sent to die in hopeless causes, alliances faltered. Hope withered. Armies were squandered, leaders lost.Continue reading “A Thought for the Day”