On Cracks in the Republican Facade

The day was coming. Yesterday, eleven Republican Congressmen went to the White House bearing a message for President Bush. Their message for the President? He’s lost credibility on Iraq. The President’s approval rating is south of thirty percent. That Republican Congressmen will start to peel from the monolithic bloc in support of the President’s failedContinue reading “On Cracks in the Republican Facade”

On Abslom Daak, Dalek Killer

My friend Todd “Scavenger” Kogutt keeps telling me about the Doctor Who spin-off he’d love to see: Abslom Daak: Dalek Killer, starring Bruce Campbell. The first time he told me this I must confess that I snarfed coffee on my monitor–I just didn’t see it. But after the recent Dalek two-parter Todd brought the ideaContinue reading “On Abslom Daak, Dalek Killer”