On Stephen Colbert’s Presidential Bid

Comedian Stephen Colbert had announced his intention to run President. Not so fast, says the South Carolina Democratic Party. They’ve decided that Colbert isn’t a serious candidate, and have rejected his application to get on the ballot. I have no opinion on this, really. The Atlantic Monthly had a good article on what his campaignContinue reading “On Stephen Colbert’s Presidential Bid”

On Talking Star Trek: Voyager

Yesterday at work I found myself talking Star Trek: Voyager with one of the other writers in the department. No reason why — it’s just where the conversation went. Oh, wait. I remember now. It was the “T’Pau/T’Pol” problem — why was the planned use of T’Pau changed to a new character named T’Pol? NothingContinue reading “On Talking Star Trek: Voyager”