On Halloweens Past

Years ago I lived in Amish country, a little east of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. There were some Amish farms on my road, and there were kids in the neighborhood. As Halloween approached, I felt a bit giddy inside — there were kids in the neighborhood! Halloween! Amish kids! Halloween! I’d never really lived anywhere that trick-or-treatingContinue reading “On Halloweens Past”

On Boy Scouts and Bigotry

It’s hard to feel bad for the Boy Scouts. They’ve brought their troubles upon themselves. They discriminate against atheists — I myself would not be welcome in their company. They discriminate against homosexuals. The Supreme Court said, “Boy Scouts, you can discriminate! You’re a private organization!” a few years ago. Congress reaffirmed that with aContinue reading “On Boy Scouts and Bigotry”

On “Now and Then”

A week ago I came across this on a Beatles blog I read occasionally — someone has done a video for the John Lennon demo of “Now and Then,” the song the surviving Beatles worked on in the 1990s and left unfinished. The version of the song in the video is intriguing. It’s a decentContinue reading “On “Now and Then””

On Spammers and Scammers

This evening I made an intriguing discovery. A post I had made — on my favorite short story, “Lean Times in Lankhmar” — has been “scraped.” What that means is this. Someone else has taken that post, and published it on a blog. Specifically, a blog about making money. Sometimes called a “splog,” short forContinue reading “On Spammers and Scammers”