I slept in this morning. I needed it. After
Tag Archives: Rain
On Heavy Rain and Transit Nightmares
Today I took a nap. That was not in the day’s plan. The day’s plan included going to work. Unfortunately, the weather and MTA Maryland had different ideas in mind. In the mornings, when I drive to work, I reach an intersection where I have a choice to make. Go left, and I get onContinue reading “On Heavy Rain and Transit Nightmares”
On Laundry and the Rain
Putting laundry out on the clothesline today might’ve been a fool’s errand — thunderstorms of unspecified time and duration were in the forecast. Yet the day was so clear, the blue of the skies so deep, the cottony clouds so billowy that I didn’t care. A little past noon, I started pinning the laundry toContinue reading “On Laundry and the Rain”
On Questions about Rain
Because I’m at a loss for things to write about, I decided to Google around and see if I could find something to prompt my writing. I looked at Plinky, and I wasn’t impressed. I saw what today’s LiveJournal “Writer’s Block” prompt was, and I didn’t see the point. I then thought about looking toContinue reading “On Questions about Rain”
On Walking Through Rain
My last hour at the office, the skies grew ever darker. I had not brought my umbrella to work with me; it was barely cloudy when I left the house and I neglected to check the weather forecast. Even at lunch, sitting on the outdoor patio at Chipotle, what clouds there were were billowy, cottonyContinue reading “On Walking Through Rain”
On Watching Rainfall
For reasons unknown, the train stopped. It was evening, and I was heading home. The day had been dreary — dark clouds, winds, periods of heavy rain followed by mist. Were it not for the overcast skies and the rainfall, the day might’ve been brilliant; temperatures hovered near seventy, even this morning. When the trainContinue reading “On Watching Rainfall”
On Rainfall Against the Office Glass
On a day like today, with the sky overcast and rain falling, hitting the sixth floor glass and running in streaks downward, this song by the Beatles is completely appropriate: If the rain comes they run and hide their heads They might as well be dead If the rain comes, if the rain comes When the sun shines they slip into the shade (When the sun shines down) And sip their lemonade (When the sun shines down) When the sun shines, when the sun shines Rain, I don't mind Shine, the weather's fine I can show you that when it starts to rain (When the rain comes down) Everything's the same (When the rain comes down) I can show you, I can show you Rain, I don't mind Shine, the weather's fine Can you hear me that when it rains and shines (When it rains and shines) It's just a state of mind? (When it rains and shines) Can you hear me, can you hear me? sdaeh rieht edih dna nur yeht semoc niar eht fI (Rain) niaRContinue reading “On Rainfall Against the Office Glass”
On Snows and Rains
I woke this morning to the patter of rain upon the roof. The forecast for last night had called for rain. Torrential rains. Flash flood warnings. A far cry from the weekend, indeed. Five inches of snow fell on Saturday. Some melted away on Sunday — though the temperature barely climbed above freezing all day,Continue reading “On Snows and Rains”
On the Good Things About Today
Today was one of those days. Rather than dwell upon the reasons for today’s craptaculence, why not look upon all the things that made today great? Umm… Oh! I got rained on! Three weeks ago, Charm City had turned into East Seattle, and it rained for days upon days. Then, the rains departed, the weatherContinue reading “On the Good Things About Today”
On Summer Rains
I am drenched. I had laundry on the clothesline. Some shirts for work — casual, solid color, button down collars. And towels. The morning was bright, sunshiny. The weather forecast called for late afternoon thunderstorms. I had time; I could get the laundry in before rains fell. Then, the sky turned black and ominous. AtContinue reading “On Summer Rains”