Putting laundry out on the clothesline today might’ve been a fool’s errand — thunderstorms of unspecified time and duration were in the forecast. Yet the day was so clear, the blue of the skies so deep, the cottony clouds so billowy that I didn’t care. A little past noon, I started pinning the laundry toContinue reading “On Laundry and the Rain”
Tag Archives: Laundry
On the First Signs of Spring
After weeks of cold, ice, snow, and more cold, today promised to be warm. Snow still lay on the ground from a snowfall on Wednesday. The ice from the previous week’s ice storm had melted over last weekend; I took a hoe and a shovel to my driveway and walk to rid myself of it,Continue reading “On the First Signs of Spring”
On Laundry
The rain storms broke Saturday morning. I had laundry to do, but I didn’t do it Saturday. Instead, I did it this morning. And I hung it out on the clothesline. It wasn’t warm today — mid-50s — but it was bright and it was clear. Perfect drying weather. Laundry done on the line justContinue reading “On Laundry”
On Rugby Shirts
Doing the laundry this weekend I made a shocking — and tragic — discovery. My favorite rugby shirt has worn out. Why me? My favorite rugby shirt! Why me!
On Laundry
Yes, my grandmother had conniptions because I did laundry today. I didn't care. It was breezy. It was warm. I love the smell of dress shirts when they come in off the line. And I'd forgotten how good a Guinness Extra Stout can be. I'd gotten so used to drinking the Guinness Draught that theContinue reading “On Laundry”
On Arguing with the Grandmother
Today was gorgeous here in Baltimore. The sun was out, it was bright, and it was warm, a far cry from the rainy, miserable, cold dreariness we've had the past few days. Naturally, this meant laundry. I'm a firm believer in the use of the clothesline. Dress shirts smell so much better air dried. TheyContinue reading “On Arguing with the Grandmother”