Last week I received an email from The Who. Roger Daltrey is releasing an album next month, a symphonic version of The Who’s seminal album, Tommy, to mark the original album’s fiftieth anniversary.
Confession time. I wouldn’t characterize myself as a huge fan of The Who.

Yes, I have their entire studio discography, not to mention several live albums. I like their work, I admire their work, I’ve bought the endless compilations and repackagings over the years because they’re usually packed with something obscure. When I listen to their work from about The Who Sell Out (1967) to Quadrophenia (1973), I like it. Often, I like it a lot. But I don’t turn to The Who that often, and when I do I’m more likely to put in a compilation album of the hits (2004’s Then and Now is a good choice) than one of the albums all the way through. And when it comes to Tommy, it’s the London Symphony Orchestra version of the album that I prefer to listen to, not The Who‘s original.
Daltrey’s new album, then, is something of mild, but not overwhelming, interest. (One interesting note for me, personally, is that Scott Devours is drumming on the album; he was a fill-in drummer on several Carbon Leaf shows a few years ago, was very good, and looked like he was having an absolute blast.) I’d listen to it, but I don’t feel the urgent need to add it to my library next month.
The new Who album coming at the end of the year is of much more interest. This reminds me that I’ve listened to the last album, 2006’s Endless Wire, and can’t remember a thing about it.
Maybe, in the month’s to come,in this year of Tommy‘s semicentennial, I’ll revisit my Who library. Not making any promises, though. 🙂
Header photo “Roger Daltrey,” by Terry, licensed Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0