Rain, not snow, is the order for the day. North of Raleigh there might be a “wintry mix”–how I love that term, one I never heard living in Pennsylvania–but here temperatures will stay well above freezing all day. Roads today will be wet, not wild.
Yesterday I stopped by Suncoast Video at the mall down the street. I didn’t need anything except to visit the post office–it’s in the same shopping mall–and saw that Star Trek: First Contact was re-released on DVD. Why did I buy it? Maybe because it was on sale? I didn’t like First Contact in 1996. I didn’t like it again when I bought it on video tape in 1997, so what’s changed except the format? Damn my addiction to shiny plastic discs!
NPR just talked about a book I might want to buy–Zounds by Mark Dunn, a dictionary of English-language interjections. I have a few specialty dictionairies. One close at hand is The Word Museum, by Jeffrey Kacirk, which lists archaic words of the 16th-, 17th-, and 18th-centuries that have long since fallen into disuse. Not that I would ever use some of those words–most wouldn’t fit comfortably into conversation for some are very narrowly defined–but one never knows.