My Saturday mornings are regimented. I get up. I fix a cup of coffee. I read the newspapers online. I listen to Scott Simon and Weekend Edition Saturday.
(As an aside, a fun story on today’s broadcast was on the dueling atheist-Catholic billboards at the Lincoln Tunnel. Wonder American Atheists powers, activate!)
There’s something about Scott Simon’s voice that’s like a violinist drawing out the power of his instrument. There’s something about the poetic way he uses language to draw out the emotions like his report on four Boy Scouts who gave their lives to save their fellow scouts when a tornado struck their camp a few years ago. Even when reading his books, like his novel Pretty Birds or his memoir Home and Away, the “sense” of Simon’s voice is there behind the words.
The local NPR station, WYPR, is hosting “An Evening With Scott Simon” at the end of January. Simon will be giving a talk about his new book, Baby We Were Meant For Each Other, which talks about his and his wife’s adoption of two girls from China.
The thing that puts me off, however, is the price of the tickets — they’re a
I’m tempted to go, though I admit the subject matter isn’t of the greatest interest to me. On the other hand, when Simon was interviewed on other NPR programs about the book (like this interview on Morning Edition from August), it was an experience as moving as any of his best reports on Weekend Edition. The gripping hand, of course, is that it’s Scott Simon. How many times in my life will I have the chance to spend an hour or two listening to Scott Simon, live and in person? How many times do I think I could get Pretty Birds autographed? 🙂
I’m going to mull this over. I have a week or two to decide. :h2g2: