On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX

I read Jean Airey’s The Doctor and the Enterprise recently. 🙂 The Doctor and the Enterprise (tDatE) is frivolous fun. I’d slot it right after “The Deadly Assassin” and before the Doctor picks up Leela, but there’s a reference to K-9, so perhaps it would be best after Leela and before Romana I, so rightContinue reading “On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX”

The Psi-Phi Project: Re(8629): Andorians seen in Trek

John wrote: You’d definitely be correct if Humans and Vulcans had evolvedseperately from different evolutionary ladders, etc. That’sprobably not the case, though. It’s been clearly established that an ancient race seeded the galaxy with their genetic code. Humans and Vulcans are most probably the same basic species — just widely variated and at the edgeContinue reading “The Psi-Phi Project: Re(8629): Andorians seen in Trek”