Gauntlet: Paths of Evil

A week ago browsing the local Waldenbooks while in search of Keith R.A. DeCandido‘s novel Dragon Precinct I discovered that a novel based on the video game, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy had been published by iBooks, written by Richard C. White, entitled Paths of Evil. Dragon Precinct hadn’t arrived yet, or hadn’t been shelved yet–one canContinue reading “Gauntlet: Paths of Evil”

Return of the King: The Video Game

This morning’s Raleigh News and Observer published an Associated Press review of EA’s video game, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, a tie-in to the upcoming New Line film. As reviews go, it wasn’t a bad one, and I thought I would offer my own perspective on the game. I’ve had theContinue reading “Return of the King: The Video Game”

Return of the King: A Preview

Yesterday I got back from the company’s annual manager meeting/trade show. (I’ll tell the story of the trip back another time; needless to say, it wasn’t fun getting from Charlotte to Raleigh in the middle of a hurricane, and there are other managers who I know had a much worse time of it.) Well, EAContinue reading “Return of the King: A Preview”

The Battle of Helm's Deep

EA’s The Two Towers video game for the PlayStation2 consists of elements taken from both Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers. Last night I reached Helm’s Deep. For the video game the Battle of Helm’s Deep is divided into three segments. In the first the Orcish armies assault the outer walls and yourContinue reading “The Battle of Helm's Deep”

Three happenings

Two Lord of the Rings thoughts. First, The Two Towers video game was released last week for the PlayStation2. For fans anxiously awaiting the Special Edition DVD release of Fellowship of the Ring or the December theatrical release of The Two Towers this game should probably find its way to your video game console. NotContinue reading “Three happenings”

If I were a video-game character, who would I be?

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer. I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning – especially when there’s a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can’t find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game CharacterContinue reading “If I were a video-game character, who would I be?”