On Music on My Computer

I shall blame Bill for this, a music meme! Have your music library ready. Choose one (1) song from your music library whose title starts with the first letter (or number) of your screen name. Repeat this process with each successive letter (or number) in your screen name until you run out of letters (orContinue reading “On Music on My Computer”

On a Strange Bob Dylan Project

Bob Dylan Hears a Who. And The Cat in the Hat. And Green Eggs and Ham. Bob Dylan doing Dr. Seuss. 🙂 Okay, it’s not really Bob Dylan. But it’s a reasonable fascimile, and… it works. It works surprisingly well. It’s not just one song, like Fleming & John’s “Winter Wonderland” in the style ofContinue reading “On a Strange Bob Dylan Project”

On Bands I Like

Stolen from Keith, a music meme. List 10 musical artists you like, in no specific order (do this before reading the questions below). 1. The Beatles 2. Carbon Leaf 3. Coldplay 4. Nick Drake 5. Green Day 6. Vince Guaraldi 7. Led Zeppelin 8. Snow Patrol 9. Tom Petty 10. The Who Okay, ten musicalContinue reading “On Bands I Like”

On Charlie Brown Nerdiness

I stopped at the post office this evening to mail a last few Christmas cards and buy some everyday stamps. (For those playing at home, I bought a sheet of the DC Heroes stamps–you have no idea what the Supergirl stamp did for the not-girlfriend’s self-esteem.) And on the counter they had a display ofContinue reading “On Charlie Brown Nerdiness”

On a Christmas Song I Despise

So I’m writing a letter. And I’m listening to the Barenaked Ladies’ Barenaked for the Holidays. And I’m up to the eighth track, a cover of “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”–the charity Christmas song done back in the 80s to raise money for starving children in sub-Sarahan Africa. I hate this song. I despise thisContinue reading “On a Christmas Song I Despise”

On a Fun Christmas Song

I heard the most amazing Christmas song on the radio this morning on the way to work–“Winter Wonderland” done to the tune and in the style of Led Zeppelin’s “Misty Mountain Hop.” It’s by a duo called Fleming and John. Sure, it’s completely novelty, but it’s a fun, insane novelty that’s available for a download.Continue reading “On a Fun Christmas Song”

On a Musical Disconnect

It’s mid-May. I’m listening to Christmas music. No particular reason. I remarked today at work on the disconnect between people being excited about hockey–the Carolina Hurricanes, the local team, are in the Eastern Conference NHL finals or something like that–and the sultry weather we’ve been having of late. So, it’s mid-May, and I’m already thinkingContinue reading “On a Musical Disconnect”