I’ve made some recent changes to the layout. Unless you’re reading this through the LiveJournal feed, in which case you probably haven’t noticed. For the theme underlying the webpage, I use Tarski, a very flexible layout with some features that I really like. I find the plain generic Tarski to be a little bland, butContinue reading “On Recent Changes”
Tag Archives: WordPress
On Testing Asides
This is a test of the Asides feature of Tarski, to see how it formats.
On Opera Widgets
The latest version of Opera, the 9.x version, added a new feature: widgets. Basically, they’re little mini-apps that can run under Opera. Some will bring you newsfeed. Some will tell the weather. Some play chess. Not good chess, but what does one expect for a program with a small footprint like the chess widget? OnContinue reading “On Opera Widgets”
On a Lack of Priorities
I couldn't get out of bed this morning. The alarm went off, I hit the snooze button. Again, and again, and again. Finally, I had to get out of bed. And in some weird daze I fixed coffee, booted up the computer, and turned on Morning Edition for my early news fix. I need toContinue reading “On a Lack of Priorities”
On Upgrading
After a minor hiccup, we’re now running on the latest and greatest iteration of the WordPress software, version 2.0.2. Definitely different on the back end. On the front end, though, there should be no significant changes. Except for the five minutes where the webpage showed no content at all, hence the “minor hiccup.” 🙂
On the Current Layout
The webpage looks different. The webpage looks a lot different. I’m trying something out live to see if it works. We’ll be back to geekdom heaven in a few days, once I’m sure I’ve got all the bugs in the style sheets and other sundry files worked out. Truth to tell, I do like theContinue reading “On the Current Layout”
On Internet Explorer
May I just say, I really hate Internet Explorer? As in, I really hate it? I’ve been playing around with style sheets. Some of you may have noticed. The website will look radically different at any given moment depending on what I’m fiddling with. It didn’t even occur to me to take a look atContinue reading “On Internet Explorer”
On Renewal
allyngibson.net will be with you for another year. I know, stay your disappointment. Some of you out there may have been hoping for a muzzle to silence my random bleatings. 😉 Domain and webspace renewed. In Bizarro speak, Me am happy!
On Comment Spam
Today the blog was hit with 87 pieces of comment spam. Ye gads! Fortunately, none of it “got through.” Ye gads!
On Printing
I now have a print.css file for the webpage I’m happy with. It works the way I want it to in IE and Firefox, and about half right in Opera. It turns out that Opera has problems with print.css files, defaulting most of the formatting to the website’s native .css file. Things that IE andContinue reading “On Printing”