Today has been a great day for comments on Facebook. Usually there’s no reason to ever remember a comment made on Facebook — Facebook is such a transient thing, after all — but today I made two that I thought with pithy and important and worth remembering. The first has to do with GameStop. DeusContinue reading “On Random Facebook Philosophizing”
Category Archives: Atheism
On Why Slate Gets Atheism Wrong
Slate today asks a provocative question — Which is worse for evangelicals like Rick Perry — being an atheist or a Muslim? Writer Brian Palmer answers “atheism.” And while I agree with his answer, I disagree with his reasoning. Writes Palmer: “The ancient and medieval Christians wouldn’t have had much to say about pure atheism,Continue reading “On Why Slate Gets Atheism Wrong”
On an Asteroid’s Final Adventure
An asteroid approaches Earth, and then has the adventure of its life. Sascha Geddert’s short animated film, “Fallen”… Fallen from Sascha Geddert on Vimeo. It was sad. I got a little weepy.
On What I (Don’t) Believe
I read today on Talking Points Memo that a Louisiana Congressman, John Fleming, said: We have two competing world views here and there is no way that we can reach across the aisle — one is going to have to win. We are either going to go down the socialist road and become like westernContinue reading “On What I (Don’t) Believe”
On Carl Sagan’s Insight on the Universe
Following up on yesterday’s post on atheism, philosophy, and man’s place in the universe, Carl Sagan weighs in with his own views: Sagan was inspirational to me when I was young. He remains, nearly fifteen years after his death, an inspiration. His wisdom and insight are missed.
On Early Morning Atheist Philosophy
It’s another scorcher of a day, and I’ve started it out with coffee… And reading about atheism! :spock: Posted just a few days ago, Greta Christina writes about 6 (unlikely) developments that could convince her to abandon her atheism and believe in god. She has a good list, but really only the first — anContinue reading “On Early Morning Atheist Philosophy”
On Holiday Wishes From Atheists
The American Humanist Association is putting up ads on subway trains and buses that wish people a good, but godless, Christmas. This, frankly, is awesome, and I wholeheartedly approve. Which reminds me; this atheist is doing his Christmas cards this weekend…
On the Conservative Bible
The Conservative Bible Project. It’s a project to retranslate the Bible. The King James, the New International, the Revised Standard, a dozen others — these aren’t good enough. No, the Conservative Bible Project aims to produce a translation free of liberal bias. Among their aims is to promote free-market principles and eliminate the ideals ofContinue reading “On the Conservative Bible”
On a Sighting of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Amazing! The Flying Spaghetti Monster was sighted in Germany, perched atop a rather garish looking building. Will wonders never cease!
On the Hardcore Atheism Meme
I’ll let this speak for itself — Am I a Hardcore Atheist?. Let’s answer this meme and find out. 🙂 Copy and paste the list below on your own site, boldfacing the things you’ve done. (Feel free to add your own elaboration and commentary to each item!) Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge. Met at leastContinue reading “On the Hardcore Atheism Meme”