On Things I’ve Been Reading

Thor and the Warriors Four Marvel Comics Written by Alex Zalben Art by GuriHiru In my efforts to turn myself into a Thor fan, I recently picked up Marvel’s digest reprint of a mini-series from earlier in the year, Thor and the Warriors Four. Many know the stories of the Thor’s heroic battles alongside theContinue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”

On Doctor Who’s Utah Location Shoot

Doctor Who is coming to the United States! No, not that it’s coming to American television; it’s already airing on BBC America, and it’s doing quite well for them. No, two episodes of Doctor Who‘s forthcoming season will be filmed on location in Utah. Doctor Who will open, for the first time since the seriesContinue reading “On Doctor Who’s Utah Location Shoot”

On the Simplicities of Binary Day 10-10-10

10-10-10. I’ve been calling today “Binary Day.” One-Zero-One-Zero-One-Zero. All ones and zeroes. A binary day. Oh, there have been others this year — in January and in November — but this particular Binary Day is unique. It’s the only Binary Day that is exactly the same on both sides of the Atlantic. Our British cousins,Continue reading “On the Simplicities of Binary Day 10-10-10”

On Things I’ve Been Reading

First In Space Written and Illustrated by James Vining Published by Oni Press, April 2007 After the New Year, I was at the local Border’s, then in the midst of their Going-Out-Of-Business sale, and I picked up Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff. I’ve loved the film since I first saw it way back in theContinue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”

On John Lennon’s 70th Birthday

As I write this, the hour is well past midnight across the Atlantic. It’s October 9th there in Liverpool, and John Lennon has turned seventy. I’ve been listening the past few days to Lennon music, either the music he recorded himself, or covers of his music recorded by others (I’m particularly fond of Green Day’sContinue reading “On John Lennon’s 70th Birthday”

On the Origin of Saturn’s Rings

One scientist thinks that the origin of Saturn’s rings has been found. A moon, at least the size of Titan, if not larger, collided with the gas giant in the early years of the solar system. As it was torn apart by tidal forces, its frozen surface spun off and formed a ring system. That’sContinue reading “On the Origin of Saturn’s Rings”

On Venturing Forth to the Moon

Plinky asks today: "If you were offered a free trip to the moon, would you go?" And there's a part of me that wants to say, "Well… duh." 😉 And then there's the part of me that wants to say, "Now that I've gotten the snarky answer out of the way…" Who hasn't dreamt ofContinue reading “On Venturing Forth to the Moon”

On What I Miss About Childhood

At times, I miss the smell… Of cow manure. In my childhood years, I lived in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. My elementary school, Linville-Edom, stood on a barely paved road in the midst of the valley's rolling farm country. Across the street was a farm. To either side of the school? Farms. And what was notableContinue reading “On What I Miss About Childhood”

On National Graphic Novel Writing Month

I’ll bet you didn’t know that October is National Graphic Novel Writing Month. 😎 Glenn Hauman of ComicMix describes NaGraNoWriMo thusly: The goal is simple: By October 31st, you write a script for at least a 48 page long graphic novel. Despite my employment by the comics industry, I’ve never really wanted to write forContinue reading “On National Graphic Novel Writing Month”

On Recording a Drabble Podfic

I quite enjoy writing drabbles, short stories of exactly 100 words, and a month ago I walked through my creative process in writing a Merlin drabble. This morning, for no particular reason except that I had a computer microphone handy, I decided to do an audio recording of a different Merlin drabble. It’s a storyContinue reading “On Recording a Drabble Podfic”