Projects In Progress

Lately, I’ve been working on a couple of projects. In the fall, I colorized a photograph of Swampoodle Grounds, Washington, DC’s baseball park of the 1880s. I liked working on that, and now I’m working on colorizing another old baseball photograph, this time of Babe Ruth and (future president) George H.W. Bush. The photograph wasContinue reading “Projects In Progress”

Thinking About the Blog Theme

Lately, I’ve been feeling the itch to change my WordPress theme. For six months, I’ve been using Anders Noren’s Hitchcock theme (with some modifications on my part). It’s a great theme and I like it, but it’s been six months, and I feel like refreshing things would be a nice touch since it’s spring. LastContinue reading “Thinking About the Blog Theme”

Cloudy With a Chance of Coding

Over the past week, in spare moments here and there, I’ve been working on a WordPress project — a Christmassy theme. I used to throw up a Christmas theme on the blog in December. For two or three years, back around 2007 and 2008, I used Brian Gardner‘s “Wonderland” theme. I enjoyed spreading some seasonalContinue reading “Cloudy With a Chance of Coding”

Working the Problem

Two months ago, I was thinking about a blog redesign. To my surprise, I ended up going in a completely different direction from what I had in mind at that time. Anders Noren, a Swedish designer, released a new theme, Hitchcock. (His themes tend to have literary or creative names, like Hemingway or Rowling orContinue reading “Working the Problem”

Brainstorming Ideas for the Blog’s Design

I feel like redesigning my blog. This happens to me from time to time. Not as often now as it once did — I would change it up sometimes every weekend! — but I still feel the desire for a different look. The theme I’m using right now is Apostrophe, albeit with a child themeContinue reading “Brainstorming Ideas for the Blog’s Design”

Coding a New Blog Theme

In recent weeks I have been working on a WordPress theme. There’s nothing wrong with what I have. I like the Argo theme that NPR created. It does a lot of really nice things. I wanted a magazine-style front page, and I enjoyed putting that together. However, Argo isn’t not mobile-friendly. It wasn’t designed toContinue reading “Coding a New Blog Theme”

The Orpheus WordPress Theme

Recently, I discovered that, when it came to WordPress, I had lost my step.  I hadn’t coded anything in some time, I had largely ceased to blog, and I didn’t have any feel for the platform any longer. Heck, I didn’t even know what was new and current. I needed a little “warm-up” project.  SomethingContinue reading “The Orpheus WordPress Theme”

On a Life Round-Up

Where does the time go? Don’t answer that. It’s a rhetorical question. Life has been busy. There have been writing deadlines, both work-related and personal-related. There has been some personal stuff occupying my time — and driving me half-mental. And there has been working on WordPress code for the new website. Let’s take these inContinue reading “On a Life Round-Up”