On Mike Logan

I watched Law and Order: Criminal Intent tonight. Chris Noth–Detective Mike Logan from the first five seasons of the original Law and Order–guest-starred. I don’t usually watch Criminal Intent–Vincent D’Onofrio can be really tough to take. Truthfully, I don’t often watch any of the Law and Order series, though I used to watch every weekContinue reading “On Mike Logan”

On Pooh and Heffalumps

I went to see Pooh’s Heffalump Movie yesterday afternoon. It’s a fun film, nothing earth-shattering. Someone who likes Pooh will like the movie. Someone who doesn’t like Pooh will probably be bored out of their skull. The story focuses mainly on Roo. A mysterious sound awakens the residents of the Hundred Acre Wood one morning,Continue reading “On Pooh and Heffalumps”

On Jedis and the Loss of Limbs

In honor of today’s release of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II for the PC: What kind of Jedi are you? LJ Username   Age  Sex  MaleFemale Dark Side Growth Potential – 11% Light Side Growth Potential – 79% Master’s Name  Error How likely you are to lose a limb – 83% LightsaberContinue reading “On Jedis and the Loss of Limbs”

On Running Out of Space

I thought it would never happen. Even Vizzini would say, “Inconceivable!” I ran out of space on the XBox hard drive today. For four years now I’ve told customers that they will never need to worry about saving their games–the XBox has an eight-gig hard drive and games save to it automatically, not to mentionContinue reading “On Running Out of Space”

On Thumping the Head against the Wall

The difference a night of sleep makes. I wanted last night to thump my head against the wall. Either that or break out the red pen and bleed it on a document. I was given a document to review, a training guide to a new program at work. The sales tracking chart the guide explainsContinue reading “On Thumping the Head against the Wall”