On Shada

Road trip. Friday. Me and my dad, on the way to Baltimore. It’s a long trip from Raleigh to Baltimore. Six hours, under the best of conditions. The roads, at least from Raleigh to Richmond — half-way there — are desolate stretches of the American landscape. Boredom inducing. I took two Doctor Who audios forContinue reading “On Shada”

On an Emergency Road Trip II

Back from Baltimore within the past half-hour. I’m tired–it’s a long drive, and traffic was terrible on US-301 leading up to the bridge over the Potomac. It’s not been a good day. The kittens are fine. They seem a little needy, and I can understand that. They’re curious about my grandmother, though–she doesn’t like them,Continue reading “On an Emergency Road Trip II”

On Iraq and the No-Win Scenario

There’s not really an argument here, more of a statment—Is Iraq our own Kobayashi Maru? Iraq is fast becoming the Kobayashi Maru for the United States. If we stay, suicide terrorism will continue to rise. If we go, the civil war is practically inevitable. On the surface this Kobayashi Maru framework for Iraq seems toContinue reading “On Iraq and the No-Win Scenario”

On Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto, and Bully

Every day at the store I have customers asking whether or not I have Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in stock. Monday I fielded a phone call–the guy wanted to buy ten copies of the XBox version of the game for a quick turnaround on eBay, he said. Unfortunately, since every other retailer on theContinue reading “On Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto, and Bully”