On Politics and Change

In 1987 Peter Parker married his long-time, on-again/off-again girlfriend Mary Jane Watson. As with many young married couples their life was not without its share of struggles — Peter had a side-career as a costumed superhero, Peter had a serious health scare (and discovered he might have been a clone of the original Peter), MJContinue reading “On Politics and Change”

On the President, Out of Touch With Reality

Commander Guy has a hard-on for an attack on Iran. First, despite a multitude of reports that the reported threats by Iranian speedboats in the Straits of Hormuz were the work of a prankster, the President attempted to suggest a causus belli for… something. And second, despite the National Intelligence Estimate that stated that IranContinue reading “On the President, Out of Touch With Reality”

On Bill Kristol

For New Years the New York Times made a resolution to add Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, to their editorial pages. Kristol’s career as a Republican thinker is well-known. He was Dan Quayle’s Chief of Staff. He argued strongly that the Clinton health care proposals had to be defeated completely, not compromised upon,Continue reading “On Bill Kristol”

On Reviewing Comment Spam

I’ve spent the last hour going through recent comment spam. Most every blog is subject to comment spam in some form or another. Basically, rogue computers will try and place random comments on blogs that have little, if anything, to do with the post they’re commenting on. The comments will then link back to someContinue reading “On Reviewing Comment Spam”

On Guantanamo’s Anniversary

As I wrote a week ago, today is the sixth anniversary of the opening of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay for “enemy combatants.” Not prisoners of war with legal rights accorded the Geneva Conventions, but enemy combatants who exist in some sort of legal black hole. The ACLU has asked that people wear orangeContinue reading “On Guantanamo’s Anniversary”

On Linguistic Obliviousness

Truly, I am a maroon. I’ve seen and heard the phrase “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.” I knew it was military lingo. I figured it was its own in-group speak, much like “w00t” online or corpse humping in Halo. It didn’t occur to me until yesterday what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot stood for. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. Truly, IContinue reading “On Linguistic Obliviousness”