On Looking Ahead to the Summer Months

Where does time go? Shore Leave is only about ten weeks away! I sent the con an updated bio earlier today. What brought this to mind was that I received some website traffic from the Shore Leave website yesterday. So, said I to myself, “Which bio do they have running?” And I discovered they didn’tContinue reading “On Looking Ahead to the Summer Months”

On Osama bin Laden and Indifference

Like many people, I got up this morning, checked the news websites, and saw that something world-changing happened overnight. Osama bin Laden was dead. And I was utterly indifferent to it. Oh, I read articles on a half-dozen sites, from straight news to instant commentary. And I coudln’t really make myself care. I thought brieflyContinue reading “On Osama bin Laden and Indifference”

On “Day of the Moon” and the Doctor’s Plan

When last we saw the Doctor, Amy, and Rory on Doctor Who, they were in a creepy warehouse in Florida. Their erstwhile FBI ally, Canton Everett Delaware III, had been conked unconscious by persons unknown. River Song was exploring the catacombs underneath the warehouse with Rory where they found what appeared to be a proto-TARDISContinue reading “On “Day of the Moon” and the Doctor’s Plan”