On Curt Schilling’s Decision

I wrote three weeks ago that Curt Schilling was considering one more season in baseball, pitching for either the the Chicago Cubs :cubs: or the Tampa Bay Rays. He’s made his decision. Schilling has decided to hang up his cap and retire. I didn’t see a role for Schilling with the Cubs this season anyway.Continue reading “On Curt Schilling’s Decision”

On Curt Schilling’s Future in Baseball

Curt Schilling, baseball journeyman, from the Orioles to the Phillies to the Diamondbacks to the Red Sox, has begun talking about his future in baseball. Schilling thinks he might want to play for the Chicago Cubs. :cubs: Or possibly the Tampa Bay Rays. He’s not sure yet. One or the other, though. Schilling, who hasContinue reading “On Curt Schilling’s Future in Baseball”

On Signs of Spring

Today’s a little dreary in Baltimore. It’s overcast. It’s a little chilly. The air feels like snow. I want spring. I want it now. Fortunately for me, the first signs of spring have arrived. Spring training games began yesterday. And in the game that mattered to me, the Cubs :cubs: triumphed over the Dodgers atContinue reading “On Signs of Spring”

On Wondering What to Watch

My choices are three. The Cubs/Dodgers game. Starts at 9:37 EDT. The Biden/Palin debate. Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. Obviously, I want to watch the first. Though I really wish TBS would find some real announcers. Dick Stockton and his band of idiots were annoying as piss last night. On the other hand,Continue reading “On Wondering What to Watch”