Because the coffee has yet to kick in and the brain is not yet engaged, an early morning meme, this one snagged from the legendary Curly Dog Dupree himself, the meanest blues guitar man this side of the Bronx. 😆 What’s Your Blues Name? Follow the instructions below for the genuine thrill that comes withContinue reading “On Being a Bluesman”
Category Archives: Memes
On Sharing Some Things About Me
A meme about me, stolen from a dozen friends — Keith, Lisa, Geoff, the guy in the blue suit, the guy snorting dandelions, the Dread Pirate Roberts… Okay, I made up the last one. He’s probably still off the coast of Patagonia. But if he were here, he’d probably do it! Welcome to the newContinue reading “On Sharing Some Things About Me”
On Entertainment Weekly’s Movie Meme
Below is the Entertainment Weekly‘s list of 100 Classic Movies of the past 25 years. Bold the ones you’ve seen, underline the ones you plan to.
On 100 Books, Some Read & Some Not
A books meme! Too many people I know have done this in the past twenty-four hours for me to cite any one particular influence. This is a list of 100 of the top books of all time. The average person has read 6. The rules: 1) Look at the list and bold those you haveContinue reading “On 100 Books, Some Read & Some Not”
On the Dreamy Idealist
Seen around the blogosphere today, a personality test! (The graphic is clickable, by the way. In case you’re curious what a “Dreamy Idealist” is.) Personally, I prefer being Ireland. Or “All You Need Is Love.” 😉 Blogged with the Flock Browser
On Friday Morning Memeness
Before the coffee kicks in, a meme! What American accent do you have? Created by Xavier on Neutral. Not Northern, Southern, or Western, just American. Your national American identity is more important to you than your local identity, because you don’t really have a local identity to begin with. Take this quiz now –Continue reading “On Friday Morning Memeness”
On Being a Play
If I were a Shakespearean play… Your Score: Julius Caesar You scored 55% = Tragic, 34% = Comic, 14% = Romantic, 39% = Historic You are Julius Caesar. Set during the mid-March in Rome, Julius Caesar tells the story of the conspiracy against and assassination of Julius Caesar. While not considered one of Shakespeare’s Histories,Continue reading “On Being a Play”
On a Personal Slogan
Floating around the ol’ blogosphere… Your Slogan Should Be Allyn. Live the Pleasure. The Slogan Generator I feel like adopting a mock dramatic pose. Like Prince George when actors Kenrick and Mossop tried to teach him how to speak.
On a Friday Morning Meme
Because today is dreary, and because I’ve not yet had a cup of coffee (and thus, I feel sluggish), we shall do a meme! Lay the blame for this at Keith‘s feet: Use the first letter of your first name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things —Continue reading “On a Friday Morning Meme”
On the Poly Sci-Fi Meme 2008
I was tagged last night with a political/sci-fi meme by Valley of the Shadow, a Doctor Who fan. So, let’s have some fun. 🙂 1} President George W. Bush or President William Clinton? You must answer 1a and 1b.President Clinton. 1a} Give 3 issues why you support your guy:a) Balanced the budget and oversaw theContinue reading “On the Poly Sci-Fi Meme 2008”