On Friday Morning Memeness

Before the coffee kicks in, a meme! What American accent do you have? Created by Xavier on Memegen.net Neutral. Not Northern, Southern, or Western, just American. Your national American identity is more important to you than your local identity, because you don’t really have a local identity to begin with. Take this quiz now –Continue reading “On Friday Morning Memeness”

On the Poly Sci-Fi Meme 2008

I was tagged last night with a political/sci-fi meme by Valley of the Shadow, a Doctor Who fan. So, let’s have some fun. 🙂 1} President George W. Bush or President William Clinton? You must answer 1a and 1b.President Clinton. 1a} Give 3 issues why you support your guy:a) Balanced the budget and oversaw theContinue reading “On the Poly Sci-Fi Meme 2008”