On xkcd and the Voynich Manuscript

Today’s xkcd webcomic is about the Voynich Manuscript. No one’s really sure what it is, except that it’s a guidebook of sorts to Europe of the High Middle Ages. It’s written in no known language, using no known alphabet, and it’s illustrated at length. Judging by the illustrations it covers a wealth of scientific knoweledge,Continue reading “On xkcd and the Voynich Manuscript”

On Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips

Received in the mail today — Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips. As I wrote a few weeks ago, Re:Collections is the final volume in Big Finish’s series of Doctor Who short story anthologies, with a single story from each volume in the series reprinted in this volume. Among the stories in the book isContinue reading “On Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips”

On Today’s Writing Discovery

Forty-two years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. I just thought I’d point that out today, on this most Douglas Adams-like of anniversaries. I would rather talk (more) about writing. Yesterday was windy and not too hot, so late afternoon I went kite-flying. It’s about a half-mile walk to the giant openContinue reading “On Today’s Writing Discovery”