On Being Inside Another’s Head

At the subway station tonight, I climbed the six flights of stairs to the Beetle, unlocked the door, sat down, put the key in the ignition, and turned. The radio came on. I heard not a song but a commercial for American Idol. Tonight, the show was in Las Vegas. And the Idolators were goingContinue reading “On Being Inside Another’s Head”

On The Beatles’ The Lord of the Rings

In 1963, when the Beatles agreed to make A Hard Day’s Night, the film, they signed a three-picture deal with United Artists. In 1964, they made A Hard Day’s Night. In 1965, Help! By and large, though, they didn’t like making films. Too much work. And so, when the idea was floated of an animatedContinue reading “On The Beatles’ The Lord of the Rings”

On The Beatles’ Movie Medley

Yesterday, I happened to be in Barnes & Noble. I was searching for Doctor Who Magazine #429, which I’d ordered at work, only for whatever reason I never received it. They didn’t have DWM, unfortunately, and so I browsed. I found Dayton Ward’s Paths of Disharmony, his new Star Trek novel, and then I found,Continue reading “On The Beatles’ Movie Medley”

On Musical Covers Better than the Original

Over the weekend, I acquired an inexpensive 8-gig USB flash drive. Its intended purpose? To become a portable music repository; I could put some of my music collection on the flash drive, and then listen to my library at home or at the office from the portable drive, instead of clogging up hard drives orContinue reading “On Musical Covers Better than the Original”

On 15 Influential Authors

My friend Julio Angel Ortiz tagged me with this on Facebook: The Rules: Don’t take too long to think about it. Fifteen authors (poets included) who’ve influenced you and that will always stick with you. List the first fifteen you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes. Try to tag at least fifteen friends,Continue reading “On 15 Influential Authors”

On John Lennon’s 70th Birthday

As I write this, the hour is well past midnight across the Atlantic. It’s October 9th there in Liverpool, and John Lennon has turned seventy. I’ve been listening the past few days to Lennon music, either the music he recorded himself, or covers of his music recorded by others (I’m particularly fond of Green Day’sContinue reading “On John Lennon’s 70th Birthday”

On An Awful Beatles Cover

“Let It Be.” As many people know, it’s probably my favorite Beatles song. At least in the top five. The album version, with the blistering guitar solo, is better than the single version, in my not-so-humble opinion. However, you have never heard “Let It Be” until you’ve heard it like this… I have no ideaContinue reading “On An Awful Beatles Cover”

On Rolling Stone’s “100 Greatest Songs” Beatles Special

I invariably feel stupid when I spend money on a Rolling Stone publication. Fifteen years ago, even ten years ago, I subscribed to Rolling Stone year in, year out. What changed was that I felt that the magazine was growing increasingly fluffy (when I pick up a music magazine, I want to read about music;Continue reading “On Rolling Stone’s “100 Greatest Songs” Beatles Special”

On Granting Parole to Mark David Chapman

Next month, Mark David Chapman, the murderer of John Lennon, goes before New York State’s parole board. Sentenced to a 20 years-to-life sentence for second degree murder in 1981, he first came up for parole in 2000. Now, in 2010, he is up for parole for the sixth time, having served 29 years in AtticaContinue reading “On Granting Parole to Mark David Chapman”