On Atheism, Agendas, Analogies, and Browsers

Sometimes web surfing can be a dangerous thing. You’re looking at something safe, something normal, and then you’re in some dank back alley in the dirty part of town, where you have to keep your head down because you don’t want to attract attention. Last night was like that. I found myself reading an evangelicalContinue reading “On Atheism, Agendas, Analogies, and Browsers”

On Boy Scouts and Bigotry

It’s hard to feel bad for the Boy Scouts. They’ve brought their troubles upon themselves. They discriminate against atheists — I myself would not be welcome in their company. They discriminate against homosexuals. The Supreme Court said, “Boy Scouts, you can discriminate! You’re a private organization!” a few years ago. Congress reaffirmed that with aContinue reading “On Boy Scouts and Bigotry”

On the Problem of Stupidity

Why be an atheist? That’s a good question, and philosophers have spent a great deal of time making their arguments for a non-theistic outlook on life. There’s Dawkins’ The God Delusion, Hitchens’ God Is Not Great, a whole host of arguments. Can we add another? British science fiction author Lawrence Miles suggested on his blogContinue reading “On the Problem of Stupidity”

On Salman Rushdie, Knighthood, and Fatwas

Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie is soon to be knighted for his contributions to English literature. Not being a British subject, I don’t care who the Queen knights. It doesn’t affect me, it’s not my call. I’ve never read any of Rushdie’s work–no, not even The Satanic Verses–but if the Queen believes his work isContinue reading “On Salman Rushdie, Knighthood, and Fatwas”

On What Atheism Isn't

Yesterday’s Washington Post ran an article in their Metro/Religion section entitled “Is Atheism Just a Rant Against Religion?” With a title like that, and a ginormous picture of God is Not Great author Christopher Hitchens accompanying the article, I had to read the article. The thesis of Benedicta Cipolla’s article? That atheists like Richard DawkinsContinue reading “On What Atheism Isn't”

On Karl Rove's Atheism

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this–Christopher Hitchens, author of the new book God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, outed senior Bush administration advisor Karl Rove as an atheist. Hitchens said in an interview with New York Magazine: I know something which is known to few but is not a secret.Continue reading “On Karl Rove's Atheism”

On "Gridlock"

About a year ago when the new Doctor Who‘s second season began a frequent chorus was heard in online fandom–“David Tennant is good, but I can’t help but wonder how Christopher Eccleston would have been.” Tennant seemed traditionally Doctorish, while Eccleston’s performance was something else, like a force of nature. Eventually the chorus died downContinue reading “On "Gridlock"”