On July 4th

Today, we commemorate America’s Declaration of Independence from Britain over two centuries ago. Many of us, as Homer Simpson so proudly proclaimed, will spend today celebrating America by blowing up a small part of it. I’m reminded today of something I encountered last year, people in lawn chairs along the interstate to view fireworks. InContinue reading “On July 4th”

More on The da Vinci Code Game

From something I wrote a few weeks ago: “I don’t think anyone knows there’s a da Vinci Code game, sorry.” It seems that the da Vinci Code game has sold so well that we marked the price down twenty dollars on the game this week. Twenty dollars. Half-price. No, I don’t just think anyone knowsContinue reading “More on The da Vinci Code Game”

On a Customer's Concern

A few days ago a customer came into the store and, browsing through the XBox section, he had an urgent question. “They made a game out of the da Vinci Code?” he asked. “Companies will make games out of anything these days.” He took the game from the shelf, scrutinized it closely, and frowned. “Aren’tContinue reading “On a Customer's Concern”

On Rescinding an Employment Offer

As some may know I’ve been searching these past three months for an assistant manager at the store. It’s been an interesting search–every time I think I’ve got it sown up, something happens and I’m put back at square one. Today, we’re back at square one. I can’t go into details, but I can offerContinue reading “On Rescinding an Employment Offer”