On a PlayStation 3 Delay

Sony’s new video game console, the PlayStation 3, may see its release in the United States delayed until early 2007, according to various reports. The eye-opening new data on the PlayStation 3 is that Sony will likely spend $900 per console in manufacturing costs. Consoles have historically been sold at a loss, with the theContinue reading “On a PlayStation 3 Delay”

On Video Game Ratings

Movies have their ratings. Some music CDs carry a “parental advisory” warning. Video games have their own rating system, the ESRB rating. I deal with this every day at work–What’s the game rated? Is this appropriate for my child? It’s not just something to be reactive about, we also have to be proactive, to beContinue reading “On Video Game Ratings”

On XBox 360 Madness

People need a sanity check–you can buy an XBox 360 system on eBay for 11 million dollars. I don’t expect that anyone would match Jack Dell’s “Buy It Now” price–there are better things one can do with 11 million dollars–but I have to wonder at the thought process that leads someone to put up anContinue reading “On XBox 360 Madness”

On the Galley sling

This post will be hopelessly geeky. My apologies in advance. Digging through AOE3 Heaven‘s webpage today I discovered an intriguing strategy for Age of Empires III—the Galley sling. No, I have no idea what the term “Galley sling” means, because it uses neither galleys nor slings because I didn’t invent it. I did, however, tryContinue reading “On the Galley sling”

On Age of Empires III: First Impressions

Nerd Heaven! Age of Empires III came out a few days ago. I picked mine up today. I splurged, bought the Collector’s Edition which comes in a really heavy box with all the bells and whistles–a lovely art book, special cases for the games, special artwork, an extra player’s guide, the game soundtrack, and didContinue reading “On Age of Empires III: First Impressions”

More on Civilization Anonymous

I mentioned CivAnon, an organization devoted to helping persons addicted to the computer game Civilization about a month ago. It’s a spoof organization, a really good marketing ploy, if you ask me. Poking around their website I found their public service announcement which features some of the funniest characters I’ve seen in a long time.Continue reading “More on Civilization Anonymous”

On Doing a Tech Round-Up

Two things. Reader Kathryn Meadmore asked me to pass along the following information for UK-based Whovians: UKTV Gold are showing all 13 episodes from the new series of Dr Who in one week. It premiers on Sunday 23rd October at 7pm, and viewers can expect to see the first three parts back-to-back, followed by double-billsContinue reading “On Doing a Tech Round-Up”