At midnight, my neighbors started shooting off guns. I assume it was neighbors. Maybe not my direct neighbors, but someone in the area. Maybe on the other side of the hill. The point is, someone right nearby started off the new year in style, with small arms fire. For myself, I’d been watching episodes ofContinue reading “Midnight in Pennsylvania”
Tag Archives: New Years
Thoughts for New Year’s Day
Bliadhna mhath ùr! (That’s Gaelic for “Happy New Year.”) At work yesterday, we discussed the silliness of New Year’s as a holiday. “You don’t see people making a big fuss when other months change. No one celebrates March 1st, for instance.” I said that, by the way. Then I thought about it. It’s the odometerContinue reading “Thoughts for New Year’s Day”
On the Start of the New (Hobbit) Year
Happy New Year! In the Shire, anyway. 🙂 If we were Hobbits, if we lived in the Shire, today would be the first day of the new year, the 2nd of the month of Yule. Yule is a strange month. It’s only two days long. The first of Yule is the last day of theContinue reading “On the Start of the New (Hobbit) Year”
On the Start of the New Year
Like an odometer turning over, it’s the first day of 2008. 🙂 May 2008 be a fantastic year to one and all. And I, for one, am glad that 2007 is dead and buried. In 2007 I earned more from writing than I did in 2006. My goal for 2008 is to earn more thanContinue reading “On the Start of the New Year”