On the Differences between The Practice and Boston Legal

At times the past few weeks watching Boston Legal I’ve wondered if the Crane, Poole, and Schmidt we’ve seen this year has any connection to the Crane, Poole, and Schmidt we saw last year in the final episodes of The Practice. Beyond the cosmetic changes–the office looks nothing the same–and the personnel changes–the feeling IContinue reading “On the Differences between The Practice and Boston Legal”

The Practice – The Series Finale

The Practice, a show I’ve loved watching since its second season, went out with a whimper, not a bang. Knowing that some of the characters will carry on next season–in Fleet Street, the Alan Shore-centered legal drama, and the untitled sitcom featuring Ellenor Frutt–tempers the disappointment, but only some of the disappointment. Spoilers, obviously.

Talking The Practice

I wouldn’t call tonight’s episode of The Practice classic, but it certainly reminded me of why I started with the show and why I kept watching. We had an interesting legal case, defendants who were the underdogs, a legal dilemma, and some intriguing character moments. First, the case itself. Christian Scientists on trial for secondContinue reading “Talking The Practice”