One hour in a time machine. All of history, past and future, is open to me. Where would I go? I wouldn't be like the amateur time travelers of Desmond Warzel's short story "WikiHistory" where, as BigChill says in the story, "everybody kills Hitler on their first trip." Honestly, no interest in that. I'd wantContinue reading “On Personal Travels Through Time”
Tag Archives: time-travel
On Doctor Who, the Pandorica, and the Legion of Super-Heroes
Doctor Who. :tardis: To quote Murray Gold, “Moffat, what have you done?” I could also quote the Master from “The Five Doctors,” but on the other hand that would be a spoiler, but on the gripping hand everyone already knows the quote, so I won’t quote it. Before I go all thinkie, I thought theContinue reading “On Doctor Who, the Pandorica, and the Legion of Super-Heroes”
Weird as Hell
An e-mail message I received. It reads like spam, but if it’s from a spam-master, it’s from the most fucked up spam-master ever…. Hello, If you are a time traveler or alien and or in possession of government or alien technology I need your help! My entire life and health has been messed with byContinue reading “Weird as Hell”