Allyn's Crackpot Theory: The Clone of Spock!

Now for one of Allyn’s crackpot theories…. Spockdid stay dead after Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The post-Genesis Spock is really a clone of the original Spock, with most of the original Spock’s memories. Their brain structures are completely different; the post-Genesis Spock had his brain wired based not on the life hisContinue reading “Allyn's Crackpot Theory: The Clone of Spock!”

Blinded by Science

How does that ’80s song go? “I’m blinded! By science!” That’s how I feel right about now, having just written five pages of tech exposition. It’s vital to the story, otherwise I wouldn’t have written it. The conflict between two characters begins (or more precisely, resumes after a twenty-year absence), the seeds of the conclusionContinue reading “Blinded by Science”