On a Morning Music Meme

For once, this is David‘s and Dayton’s doing: Pick a band and answer all the following questions with the titles of their songs. Chosen band: The Beatles. Yeah, we’re going easy. Are you a male or female?“Nowhere Man” Describe yourself:“Yer Blues” How do you feel about yourself?“I’m So Tired” Describe where you currently live?“Here, There,Continue reading “On a Morning Music Meme”

On Weird Concepts

So an idea came to me. An alternate history novel. An alternate history novel about the Beatles. There have been a few Beatles alternate histories. Larry Kirwan’s Liverpool Fantasy comes quickly to mind, as does Stephen Baxter’s “The Twelfth Album” and Ian McLeod’s “Snodgrass.” The concept is doable. It’s something that conceivably could have happened.Continue reading “On Weird Concepts”

On Bands I Like

Stolen from Keith, a music meme. List 10 musical artists you like, in no specific order (do this before reading the questions below). 1. The Beatles 2. Carbon Leaf 3. Coldplay 4. Nick Drake 5. Green Day 6. Vince Guaraldi 7. Led Zeppelin 8. Snow Patrol 9. Tom Petty 10. The Who Okay, ten musicalContinue reading “On Bands I Like”

On "Hey Jude" and Love

In November Capitol Records released Love, the soundtrack album for the Cirque de Soleil show in Las Vegas that uses remixed Beatles songs as its soundscape. It’s a fascinating album to listen to, presenting new ways of listening to old favorites. Some songs are heavily reworked, with backing vocals, instrumental parts, and the like takenContinue reading “On "Hey Jude" and Love”

On a Beatles Christmas

Today I went in search of my Christmas music collection. It took a little digging, a little rearranging, and I probably needed a torch and a pith helmet, but ultimately the prize was mine. I had my Christmas music. 🙂 The Beatles themselves recorded a Christmas song–“Christmas Time Is Here Again,” released originally on oneContinue reading “On a Beatles Christmas”