On New Mexico Laws

Two interesting legislative initiatives are winding their way through the New Mexico legislature. One would deal with Pluto. A law was passed declaring March 13th, 2007 “Pluto Planet Day.” An excerpt from the legislation: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that, as Pluto passes overhead through NewContinue reading “On New Mexico Laws”

On the 2006 Psi Phi Awards

Voting for the 2006 Psi Phi Awards has begun and will run through the end of March. The Psi Phi Awards honor excellence in Star Trek fiction–best novel, best short story, best series, etc.–and they are voted on by fans with a presentation to follow in April. My story, “Make-Believe,” is up for Best ShortContinue reading “On the 2006 Psi Phi Awards”

On Automatic Silliness

I saw this on several friends’ LiveJournals: a short story generator. Most everyone used it to create bad Star Trek fanfic, but I decided to be different. I’d create Doctor Who fanfic. So, with much ado, I give you… The Cat Princess The Doctor was walking through a turgid meadow, laughing at the butterflies flittingContinue reading “On Automatic Silliness”

On Foreign Military Blunders

A headline at the New York Times today: “Swiss Accidentally Invade Liechtenstein.” How did this happen? A Swiss Army regiment, on night training maneuvers, got lost in the dark and crossed the border between Switzerland and Liechtenstein. After marching about two miles into Liechtenstein they realized their mistake, and turned around and marched back toContinue reading “On Foreign Military Blunders”