On New Things!

So I’m sitting at the desk, working on some writing, and a Yahoo! Messenger window opens. Curious, I begin a conversation. Could this be a fan? Could this be some random bloke? Conversation, conversation, conversation. Then! Nigerian spam! Sigh. Most exciting thing all day, and it’s Nigerian spam. :/ Bleh.

On Search Phrases

I’d occasionally do this about once a month–pull a search log report off the server and see why people are dropping by. Honestly, it was a good way just to make a post; I didn’t have to think to have content, because you good readers gave me the content and a platform to rant, orContinue reading “On Search Phrases”

On Kylie Minogue and Who stuff

Kylie Minogue will be guest-starring in the 2007 Doctor Who Christmas special. Reports say that she will be portraying a Cyberman. Minogue has been a known Doctor Who fan for a long time. There’s a photograph of her asleep with a Doctor Who novel–Lloyd Rose’s Camera Obscura, if I remember correctly. If she wants toContinue reading “On Kylie Minogue and Who stuff”

On Skipping Stones

About three miles from the house is the Liberty Reservoir. It’s an artificial lake that provides water to Baltimore. It being a pretty day–clear blue sky, temperature around eighty-five–I packed a bag with notebook and pens, grabbed a towel, and drove out to the reservoir. I wanted to get some writing done while communing withContinue reading “On Skipping Stones”

More on Alberto Gonzales

I love the NPR news quizshow Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me. They offered the best explanation yet for Alberto Gonzales’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. (And I’m paraphrasing from memory here.) “Alberto Gonzales blacks out. His body is taken over by an evil spirit who fires US Attorneys, lies before Congress andContinue reading “More on Alberto Gonzales”