On the Fall of John Edwards

John Edwards. As long-time Allynologists know, in the Democratic primaries of 2008, John Edwards was my candidate. I donated money to his campaign. I blogged about Edwards, his positions, and his media coverage, like how Edwards most resembled the Viking berserker, or how Edwards was the heir to Teddy Roosevelt’s mantle of progressivism. And IContinue reading “On the Fall of John Edwards”

On This, That, and the Other

I’ve been wrestling with a Middle English text. Specifically, the Middle English translation of Prose Merlin from the French Lancelot-Grail Cycle. Why? Because while I’ve been working my way through the Lancelot-Grail Reader, I found something summarized in the excerpts of the Merlin there that I needed more details about. Fortunately, the Middle English ProseContinue reading “On This, That, and the Other”

On the View at Thursday

Hello? Hello? Is this mic still on? However did it get to be Thursday? :tired: Oh, that‘s right. It’s called “work.” Since I really don’t have anything profound to say at the moment, I would point out that a survey of Doctor Who fans acclaimed “The Caves of Androzani” as the best story of allContinue reading “On the View at Thursday”

Still More on Rich Santorum’s Second Act

Sometimes, I have ideas that are just scary. Like SAURON-PAC. Which, after a perusal of the FEC website, I’ve decided needs to be named Draft SAURON-PAC. But what does that acronym stand for? Draft Santorum — America United, Redefining Oliphaunt Nationalism Political Action Committee Draft SAURON-PAC, according to the notes I scribbled on the trainContinue reading “Still More on Rich Santorum’s Second Act”

More on Rick Santorum’s Second Act

Okay, now that I’ve spent time with the FEC’s website… SAURON-PAC can’t be an acronym. The reason? Only official campaign PACs can have the candidate’s name in the acronym, unless they’re for drafting the candidate for office. So, “Draft SAURON-PAC” could work. But, Sauron PAC would, on its own, work. That Sauron and Santorum bothContinue reading “More on Rick Santorum’s Second Act”

On Rick Santorum’s Second Act

We can only be so lucky — Rick Santorum is thinking about running for President in 2012. Rick Santorum! I’m beside myself with glee. :party: My encounters with Santorum are few. For instance, Santorum compared the war in Iraq to Aragorn’s assult on the Black Gate of Mordor, which prompted me to point out whatContinue reading “On Rick Santorum’s Second Act”

On Glenn Beck’s Common Silliness

Recently, out of curiosity (though a friend of mine called it “masochism”), I read one of Glenn Beck’s books — Glenn Beck’s Common Sense. In some respects, I live in a bubble, and I will say that my knowledge of Beck is nil, or very nearly so. I know he’s a Fox News personality ofContinue reading “On Glenn Beck’s Common Silliness”