On Monday I received an e-mail—as I often do—from John Edwards’ presidential campaign. They were putting together a petition to send to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, and they wanted signatures. But it wasn’t an ordinary petition. The petition would come on a copy of the United States Constitution. For each signature, the Edwards campaign wouldContinue reading “On Getting Rid of Gonzales”
Tag Archives: John-Edwards
On Friday Morning Memes
Since it’s a Friday, let’s start the day off with some memes! Why? Because memes are easy content—I don’t have to think. 😉 So, what’s my ideal Presidential ticket in 2008? You’re Edwards-Kucinich! As John Edwards, you are just dreamy! You may not have done much with your time, worked with others for very long,Continue reading “On Friday Morning Memes”
On Reactions to the Libby Commutation
John Edwards: “Only a president clinically incapable of understanding that mistakes have consequences could take the action he did today. President Bush has just sent exactly the wrong signal to the country and the world. In George Bush’s America, it is apparently okay to misuse intelligence for political gain, mislead prosecutors and lie to theContinue reading “On Reactions to the Libby Commutation”
On Donations
Yesterday, I did something I’ve never done before. I gave money to a political campaign. Now, I have given money to foundations and such. But never a campaign. And I get fundraising letters. All the time. Letters from Hillary Clinton. Letters from Barack Obama. Letters from Howard Dean. Letters from Al Franken. I gave moneyContinue reading “On Donations”
On Today's Weird Search Phrase
I am a stats fiend. I admit it, anyone who knows me knows I know numbers. Since I installed the Automattic Stats plug-in for WordPress I’ve been getting lots of really interesting data. It’s no trouble at all to just fire up the WordPress admin screens and take a look at how many hits I’veContinue reading “On Today's Weird Search Phrase”
Reflections on the Presidential Election
What happened four years ago–Florida, the Supreme Court, the election of Bush rather than Gore–shook my confidence in the American political process. What happened on Tuesday–the re-election of Bush (or the first election of Bush, depending on how you felt about Bush v. Gore four years ago)–shook my confidence in the American people. At timesContinue reading “Reflections on the Presidential Election”
"Shame on Bush!"
Last night I attended my first political rally. Democratic Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards was holding a rally at the North Carolina State fairgrounds with Jon Bon Jovi. The arena was filled almost to capacity–five or six thousand people. The candidate’s daughter, Cate Edwards, introduced the singer, who performed a few acoustic numbers, then theContinue reading “"Shame on Bush!"”