Two months ago, give or take, I was talking with a friend of mine about George Harrison. Specifically, I was sharing an interesting story about the composition of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” his song from The Beatles’ “White Album” on which Eric Clapton guested as lead guitarist. While I can’t recall the exact wordsContinue reading “On the I Ching and “While My Guitar Gently Weeps””
Tag Archives: Philip K. Dick
On Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
I opened my e-mail inbox this morning to find a press release from BOOM! Studios. BOOM! is a comic book company out on the west coast, an up-and-coming publisher that does a bit of horror comics (zombies and Cthulhu), licensed Pixar comics (The Incredibles, Cars, that sort of thing), licensed television comics (Farscape and Eureka),Continue reading “On Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep”
On the Monday Morning View
Ever have a day where you feel like something… momentous is going to happen? Today is one of those days. The world had a different… quality today. Maybe it’s the seagulls flying overhead. Maybe it’s the feeling of springtime and sunshine. Maybe the air feels different. Maybe it’s that I decided to wear a necktieContinue reading “On the Monday Morning View”
On Re-Reading VALIS
A discussion on TrekBBS a few days ago prompted me to pull out some of my Philip K. Dick books and take a look at them. Dick was one of the authors I discovered in college and went on a “binge” in reading everything by Dick that I could possibly get my hands on. InContinue reading “On Re-Reading VALIS”
On The Electric Ant Comics Adaptation
How did I miss this? Marvel Comics will be adapting Philip K. Dick’s fiction to comics, beginning with The Electric Ant. As the first original adaptation of our fathers work into this genre, we are thrilled with the creative team and the support of Marvel in the care they have taken to be true toContinue reading “On The Electric Ant Comics Adaptation”
On Doctor Who Podcasts
For the longest time I didn’t understand what a “podcast” was. Mainly it was that I didn’t (and still don’t) own an iPod, and from the name I assumed it was something that was iPod-specific, a radio program for iPods. Eventually I realized–it’s just an audio file with a fancy name. Usually someone sitting aroundContinue reading “On Doctor Who Podcasts”
On the Blade Runner Ultimate Collection
Blade Runner. An Australian retailer posted information on the forthcoming Blade Runner Ulimate Collection DVD set. Five discs, five different versions of the film. Documentaries on the making of the film, on Philip K. Dick, and a pretty damn cool case. (Though I expect we’ll get a far less exciting cardboard case here in NorthContinue reading “On the Blade Runner Ultimate Collection”
On Last Night's House
Spoilers, obviously. The last scene made me think of Minority Report, frankly. I think we’ve entered phildickian territory, House died of his overdose, and the final scene (and everthing beyond it) is just House’s final thoughts before the end. So at this point, whatever happens doensn’t matter. It’s just a dream. That’s my story, andContinue reading “On Last Night's House”
On a New Edition of Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick, visionary science fiction author, is getting the Library of America treatment next summer in a one-volume hardcover containing four of Dick’s seminal novels: The Man in the High Castle, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Ubik. From the Library of America’s website: Known in hisContinue reading “On a New Edition of Philip K. Dick”
On Being Offered Things I Already Have
I find it mildly annoying at times to receive an e-mail from, telling me about a fantastic offer they have on a product, when it’s a product I already own. It’s not a mystery why I receive these e-mails–they’re based on things I’ve bought from them in the past, and as at best fiveContinue reading “On Being Offered Things I Already Have”