Free as a Bird: The Dakota Beatles Demos

Monday a package arrived in the mailbox. On Thanksgiving Day I had placed a bid on a bootleg John Lennon CD entitled Free as a Bird: The Dakota Beatles Demos, won it that day, and made a nearly immediate payment through PayPal. And Monday it was mine. It had been a tiring few days atContinue reading “Free as a Bird: The Dakota Beatles Demos”

Stones and Glass

I should be worried. I knew the two baseball teams in Gotham City without having to look it up. I even knew which league each team is in. (For those of you wondering, Gotham City hosts the Monarchs, of the National League, and the Knights, of the American League. The Monarchs replaced the Griffins, whoContinue reading “Stones and Glass”

On the Christmas Round-Up

Ah, Christmas. It’s over. I think I can breathe now. What an incredible Christmas! At Electronics Boutique, we would do as much in a single day as Payless would do in an entire week. There were moments of extreme insanity. I know people keep talking about the terrible recession we’ve found ourselves in, but IContinue reading “On the Christmas Round-Up”